Love Vermont? Want to Paint Outside July 16th in Jericho?

Jericho Farm, a sample of local landscape waiting to be painted
Jericho Farm, a sample of local landscape waiting to be painted,
offers certified organic produce.

Then by all means contact Barbara Greene, the organizer of the 6th Annual Jericho Plein Air Festival. The festival is a one-day program with a cap on the number of participants, affiliated with the Emile Gruppe Gallery.  Click this link for the registration form.   Please direct all questions to Barbara. #pleinairvermont #pleinairpainting

Here is some info I have just received:

In 2016, the Annual Jericho Plein Air Festival will continue what's become a tradition since it was first established in 2011: The event provides a terrific opportunity for the participating artists to share the joy of painting without pressure and presents an invitation to the public to meet the artists and learn about plein air painting.

Unlike many of the plein air festivals that have blossomed across the country, however, the Jericho Festival is totally non-competitive and low-key; there are no juries, no contests and no prizes are awarded. (Actually, though, we’ve been told by participants every year that there are indeed prizes: the camaraderie and fun and energy shared by painters and the public alike, as well as the opportunity to exhibit in a well-known gallery.) Anyone at any level of experience and expertise can participate, and both award-winning, recognized artists as well as amateur hobbyists participate every year. There’s no pressure to paint a masterpiece (though that’s not prohibited!), and both plein air painters and folks who haven't painted outdoors before participate.

This year the Festival will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016, rain or shine. Headquarters for the event will once again be the Emilie A. Gruppe Gallery at 22 Barber Farm Road in Jericho Center, Vermont. From Sunday, July 17, through Sunday, August 7, there'll be an exhibit at the Gallery of the work created during the day on Saturday. And on the 17th, there will be an opening reception at the Gallery for the artists, their friends and family and the public from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

As usual, the day will start at 7:00 am with a continental breakfast at the Emile A. Gruppe Gallery. By 7:45 am, the artists will set up in any of eight to ten sites which the organizers pre-selected to offer a range of subjects, from spectacular vistas to working farms, the historic village green to beautiful gardens, and water, woods, pasture and mountain views from a variety of perspectives. The public is invited to wander around the sites, watch and talk with the painters. At 3:00 pm, the artists gather back at the Gallery to frame their work and share their experiences of the day.  

Approximately 75 artists from all over Vermont and from several other states have participated in the Festival each year. However, for 2016, in order to accommodate everyone comfortably, we're limiting the number of participants to 65, and expect that, as in every previous year, we'll have a waiting list. (We reached capacity within 2 weeks of announcing the event last year.) Oil, watercolor, acrylic and pastel artists are all represented, as well as folks who work in colored pencil or charcoal.

The Festival’s provided an extraordinary opportunity for the artists to meet new acquaintances and renew old ones, to share the excitement of creating art, and to connect with each other and the public in many different ways. And, of course, the public has a chance to meet artists whose work they admire, to see how artists captures on canvas or paper what they’re seeing outside and to purchase work they watch being created.

The Festival founders/organizers are Emilie G. Alexander, the daughter of internationally known artist Emile Gruppe; and Jane S. Morgan, of Milton, Vt., and Barbara L. Greene of Williston, Vt., both of whom are exhibiting painters.
