POP Planning Odyssey: Pulling Together the Plein Air Schedule

POP 2013 Schedule Set
How do you pick from so many dazzling painting locations and make up a calendar of paintouts?

Outdoor painters Linda Salvagne, Diane Debreuil, and Karen Cashman
 enjoy a mid-day break at Ludorf Barn, a gift from the Ludorf family
to the Southbury Historical Society. 

Get a map of local land trust preserves and parks, get in the car and strike out on country roads.  Mark what looks interesting, try to figure out if it will still be interesting in a couple of months, note parking and bathroom locations, and directional landmarks.  Then grab a calendar and look at open dates, speak with owners to get permission if the group would like to paint on private properties. Get any required releases.  Map the locations and pull together written directions (not everyone uses GPS.)  Publish the schedule, and hope for good weather.  Pomperaug Outdoor Painters now has a full schedule in addition to a planned painting show for the month of  September at the Southbury Public Library.  The schedule is listed here, :  http://pomperaugoutdoorpainters.blogspot.com/p/scheduled-events.html  
Painters who want to join or suggest other locations, or dates should just call to discuss.
Ellie:  (203) 264-2313
