Life After 30 Paintings in 30 Days

A collage of most of my paintings submitted to Leslie Saeta's Challenge

Today I received Leslie Saeta's email newsletter, containing her a collage of her challenge paintings which reminded me I ought to do a collage of mine.  Boy, was that easy!  Just assemble the jpeg's, upload, autofill, and voila!  Try it at  I can see from the collage that my "style" and "theme" are all over the place, but that is ok--my theme was to paint everyday.  Some days were in the studio, some were outside in the fresh air, some were in class.  I did it! Felt good.  Some of these paintings are posted for sale on Daily Paintworks in my gallery or auction.  A number are "works in progress."  Today's tasks:  commissioned portrait query followup then go out and paint with plein air buddie Karen Cashman.  Get out there and paint!
