Finally--Carol Marine's 10 Minute Challenge

The kettle is boiling, and I am so wrapped up in the paint-a-small-painting-in-10-minutes challenge posted on Carol and David Marine's site, Daily Paintworks, I can't get up to turn it off.  Light hitting a small red poinsettia and candle holder on the sideboard begged to be painted.  Got caught up in leaves, reflections, what-would-Nancy-do (Guzik), instead of squinting and simplifying.  Fun anyway!  Try it yourself.  Here is the challenge web page:  The DPW Painting Challenge! - The Ten Minute Challenge - Again

Limited palette--raw umber, naples yellow, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, yellow ochre, cadmium red, sap green.  Odd what the iPhone camera sensor picks up, what it discards.  The squares were 1/4 of an 8 x 10 New Traditions linen panel.  Could be a "wiper-outer".
